Monday, October 5, 2009

smell the roses

All the hard work we put inot the front garden back in Auguest is finally paying off. We purched bare-root roses from Treloar earlier in the year and when they finally arrived, there was some confusion. I had a call from the courier to say he was at the front door and what should he do with the package. I had ordered 15 standards 'trees' which were about a metre in height, so I was wondering where I could get him to leave all these. He suggested he leave them at the front door - how can he possibly do that I thought....he tried to explain that he only had a small I started thinking ahh maybe Mark has bought me roses and this is a bouquet.....anyway when I got home later that day I was very surprised to see how small these roses came.

We planted them with lots of help and advice from Marg and Pete and have been watching them slowly turn from bare sticks to green leafy 'trees' and now to flowering standards. We also have some ground cover roses and a climbing rose for the ugly silver electricity pole in the corner.

update: Dec09
The roses were fed a little fertilser a few weeks back and we have seen nothing but blooms. The ones in front of the wall are growing b=much better than those under the right window for some reason. But all in all looking fab.

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