Saturday, April 23, 2011

An Easter Egg Hunt

Well what a lot that Easter Bunny has to answer for. The kids have been super excited about his arrival but more so about the egg hunt that would follow with their cousin Sophie when she came for lunch. There was a lot of explaining to do when at 6pm the kids ran downstairs and returned crestfallen "that stupid bunny has left us eggs on the kitchen bench - he hasn't even hidden them!"
Some quick thinking from Mum - "they are from me and dad, the bunny has hidden your eggs in the garden". Ela - "but we can't see them" Mum - "that's because they are hidden". Disaster averted....

Besides chocolate, the kids were spoiled with gifts from the grandparents - some of which are yet to arrive from the UK even though they were sent in mid march! Squinkies, (the latest and greatest toy trend) were a hit as was a Denis the Menace water flask.

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