Monday, November 30, 2009

Advent Calendar

Ela has been so excited about getting out the advent calendar this year. She remembers its got something to do with treats but for some reason, she believes there are elves who visit the house each night and put the lolly or sweets or whatever into the pocket ready for the morning, so she has left him all sorts of goodies on the kitchen counter near the advent calendar.

I'm going to write a note from the elf to tell her that he will only be visiting the first night and that now he knows where the advent calendar is he'll magic the treats into the pockets!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A big boy now

Well Tom has been an absolute star with his toilet training. We started about 2 weeks ago and we had about 1-2 accidents a day for the first week. By the weekend, he was in pullups and they were completely dry all day and for the following week he has been in undies (or nickies as he calls them) without a single accident!. I'm so impressed but more than that I'm very grateful. I'd forgotten how much hard work the whole thing can be - washing midweek and running up and down to the bathroom.

Tom's manners are also really developing. He's not so good with the 'peas' but he says 'sank-you mum' everytime i give him something, without any prompting from me which is great.

On the down side, terrible twos are well underway and he has started stomping, hitting and throwing when he doesn't get what he wants. He's a determined little soul - as are most 2 year olds - but I'm hoping our trip to the UK which is coming up in 2 short weeks will be enough of a distractor to at least slow down the moody periods.

This lovely photo is of Tom with his friend Evie on the bouncy castle at Ela's party.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Ela has had two visits to big school this past two weeks for orientation. Along with her dolphin room friends, Bo, Belle and Carmello, she had a play in her new classroom and met the kids she will be at school with next year along with the teachers.

We parents meanwhile were given a run down in the hall of all the extra curricular activities including music, choir, P&C, canteen etc.

We bought some of the uniform as Ela was able to wear it at Gumnut this week. They are practicing getting their stuff ready for big school.

Ela is so excited about going there (and has been all year!) most especially because the four kids who live next door go there and so she will be able to see them every day.