Saturday, April 23, 2011

An Easter Egg Hunt

Well what a lot that Easter Bunny has to answer for. The kids have been super excited about his arrival but more so about the egg hunt that would follow with their cousin Sophie when she came for lunch. There was a lot of explaining to do when at 6pm the kids ran downstairs and returned crestfallen "that stupid bunny has left us eggs on the kitchen bench - he hasn't even hidden them!"
Some quick thinking from Mum - "they are from me and dad, the bunny has hidden your eggs in the garden". Ela - "but we can't see them" Mum - "that's because they are hidden". Disaster averted....

Besides chocolate, the kids were spoiled with gifts from the grandparents - some of which are yet to arrive from the UK even though they were sent in mid march! Squinkies, (the latest and greatest toy trend) were a hit as was a Denis the Menace water flask.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Easter Show

Well we studied the weather forecast carefully and realised that unless we wanted to get wet, today was the pick of the weekend for visiting the show. I recon the rest of Sydney decided the same thing as it was absolutely chocker block. Anyhow we managed to make it through the day in one piece without losing anyone. The day didn't begin well as we realised our cunning plan to park at the local park and take in the free Showlink bus was foiled because we hadn't taken into account the restricted parking as it was Friday (3hrs). So we decide to pay the $20 parking fee and drive in, and although we had to sit in a lot of traffic, we knew the shortcuts and managed to park in a much closer place than the officials were trying to siphon us into.

We started off at the ABC roadshow where Wot Wots were doing a show which Tom loved. Ela got mildly hysterical when she thought we'd left her - when actually we had just moved over slightly into the shade! Then Bananas in Pyjamas came out to shake hands and Tom was in awe. Next stop we shuffled with the crowds to the nursery animal farmyards . Tom was not keen on this at all and insisted on being carried through the area because he didn't like walking on the sawdust! Ela loved feeding the baby goats and lambs but Tom wasn't interested, too busy searching for the exit It was too crowded to attempt any of the other  animal pavilions so we headed out to the Giant slide.

Then there was a lunchtime visit to the main arena to watch the Holden V6 utes doing synchronised driving - Tom loved it and asked if he could 'go on that ride next'. That was closely followed by Motox where these three motorcylers did mid air stunts for the crowds. Again Tom was enthralled and asked when he was going on that ride too?!

So we headed then to the rides area and queued a ridiculously long time for the water logs - it was about an hour wait for a ride that was over in less than 2 minutes. No matter the kids thought it was a blast and loved that they got wet! Tom loved the flying Elephants (too babyish said Ela) and Ela loved the flying swings. And they both (after some initial hesitation) appeared to really love the freefall ride.

I let them play one 'game' and they chose a monkey game where you had to put balls in the monkeys mouth. Anyhow Tom outshone Ela and came away with a bigger prize much to her chagrin.  

After ice creams and a visit to the woodchop stadium (which by all accounts was 'boring') whilst i braved the crowds and the queues for the show bags. I had decided to let them loose on the showbag list from the newspaper a week earlier and they had poured over them daily scrutinising every bag and its contents. Tom had settled on the Ben10 (which is amazing as he has never even seen the cartoon) and Ela on the Littlest Pet Shop (LPS). Well wouldn't you know it when i finally got into the hall the only bag that was not there (big SOLD OUT signs all over it) was the LPS. I called Mark to ask her for a second choice but then was greeted with floods of tears - she couldn't possibly chose a second as her heart was already set on LPS! Anyhow we decide to take a risk and see if any of the side stalls near the exit had them left and (thank goodness) the very last stall near the gate had them. Disaster averted and a great day was had by all. Oh and we were so relieved that the car was so close and that we didn't have to brave the bus so after all the $20 parking fee was more than worth it.